I'm a Finnish guy aged something like 20+, who likes to travel. I'm studying economics in one of the universities over here and i'm really enjoying life with good food, nice people and a totally new enviroment.

This blog will be about everyday occurances from my life here. Some travel and also things i observe and my favourite part, all the bizarre things that will happen to you while being in a foreign country. Because there are alot of them, in reality they might not be bizarre but coming from a totally different background they can be, and alot so.

maanantai 28. maaliskuuta 2011

KFC home-delivery

Living in a country where there is a totally different foodculture i can say that people
are extremely judgmental about expats eating western food. By this i mean other expats,
the local people usually don't give a damn about what you are eating.

I have a confession to make... today i ate KFC! And i don't feel even a little bit ashamed of that. It's totally normal to sometimes crave for something else. You have been brought up in a country where possibly everything is different considering food. For example in Thailand their main staple is rice while in the western countries we mostly eat potato. In Finland we eat bread every day while the Thais almost never. So i feel it is totally okay for me to eat something different sometimes. I mean there is maybe 100's of different cuisines to
choose from in Bangkok. It's the same everywhere nowadays. Doesn't matter in which part of
the world you are you can get food in a totally different style.

Then again i have western classmates who doesn't eat thai food AT ALL. Which in my opinion is maybe a little weird, but who am i to judge. I just happen to love food and eating is a big part of my life. And
if i wouldn't like the food here there is plenty of other countries with an interesting
cuisine where i'd rather live if that's the case.
KFC can be incredibly tasty at
times. ;)

Furthermore it was home-delivery!

3 kommenttia:

  1. Shame on you! Although for many (country side) Thai people it seems to be a fashionable thing to eat at Kentucky F*king Chicken, rather than buying a more tasty fresh chicken at the market, I feel disgusted that any farang is sponsoring Colonel Sanders' food up here :)
    When I was in Helsinki I found a local hamburger outlet, but the menu was quite weird, they offered a Police-burger, a Taxi-burger and a more of this kind. So when being asked what I wanted, I wanted to know what a Police-burger was, upon which the lady informed me: "That's the same as a Taxi-burger, but then with cheese and unions"
    Really happened, no kidding..

  2. Haha! I understand your point, the only thing is that the other chicken places don't have home-delivery! ;)
    There's a food stall on my soi which sells very good chicken for like 20 baht pcs. Alot better quality than KFC that's for sure.
    Yeah a Police burger? Taxi burger? That's interesting. The weird (altough good) thing about Finland that we have a lack of international fast food chains. The city i lived in before, Turku, had only one mcdonalds and maybe 30+ of the local variant. We also don't have KFC nor any other of the less common fastfood chains. Would maybe be good business, altough i read that it will cost more than 1 million us dollars to get one started! :) But however there's a lack of any fried chicken up there.

  3. And also about KFC in the country side, i think these things contribute to the fact (probably) that there's more overweight people in Thailand than in many of the surrounding countries.
