I'm a Finnish guy aged something like 20+, who likes to travel. I'm studying economics in one of the universities over here and i'm really enjoying life with good food, nice people and a totally new enviroment.

This blog will be about everyday occurances from my life here. Some travel and also things i observe and my favourite part, all the bizarre things that will happen to you while being in a foreign country. Because there are alot of them, in reality they might not be bizarre but coming from a totally different background they can be, and alot so.

torstai 14. huhtikuuta 2011

Greetings from the land where people wait for green light even though there's no cars in sight

Bangkok is famous for it's crazy traffic and heaps of people everywhere. Somehow i still felt more stressed being at the Stockholm central station where the commuter trains and metro etc. leaves from. There should be only something like 1 million people in that city but it was damn crowded. In that matter there's no bigger differences between the two cities, but what's with the stress and running guys?

At the Stockholm station people were literally RUNNING around. Looked like chickens in a chicken farm or a kid running after buffalos with an ak-47. You really had to look to every direction to avoid getting hit. No "excuse me" or "pardon". Just "get out of the way, I'm coming and I'm an very important and busy person".

I'm not sure if it was just the reaction because I've just arrived from a country where everything goes with half-speed from scandinavia, but that was crazy! Are people really that busy? Are they really in such a hurry? In Thailand you would be sweaty after a minute of such 10km/h running-walk.

To me it's incredible how such a small city can feel so much more crowded and congested than a city 10 times the size. Maybe it's just peoples attitudes that differs. I cannot recall even once that i would have had a Thai running into me like a cannonball. Then again I'm usually 20cm taller and 20kg heavier than most Thais also. :)

Cheers readers!

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