I'm a Finnish guy aged something like 20+, who likes to travel. I'm studying economics in one of the universities over here and i'm really enjoying life with good food, nice people and a totally new enviroment.

This blog will be about everyday occurances from my life here. Some travel and also things i observe and my favourite part, all the bizarre things that will happen to you while being in a foreign country. Because there are alot of them, in reality they might not be bizarre but coming from a totally different background they can be, and alot so.

perjantai 9. marraskuuta 2012

Doi Mae Salong, Part one

Mae salong view 01
Santhikiri is a small town situated about 70 km away from the city of Chiang Rai. The word Doi means 'mountain' in the northern Thai dialect. And Santhikiri is up in the hills and between all the surrounding mountains and valleys of the area called Doi Mae Salong.

I started my journey to Santhikiri quite early in the morning and while the distance is not too long i had a fair share of stops, the first ones for morning coffee on the roadside and the other stops just to take pictures, observe the absolutely stunning surroundings or just because i simply could not drive further with the risk of dying for the reason of not being able to keep my eyes on the road.

The roads are in an absolutely top-notch condition and it was a pleasure to drive but the curves and the upward/downward slopes were quite difficult to handle for a fairly cautious driver like me. I did however enjoy it alot, and after awhile i felt more comfortable and realized how i should drive. I also heard a ridiculous story about how people actually drive there. Slowly on the straights and very fast in the curves because they blamed the curves for the accidents because of the bad sight. So the logic was that if you drive fast in the curves there's not enough time for accidents to happen. Confusing and I'm not sure if it's true but I'm confident there's many accidents happening in this area.

To be continued...

keskiviikko 7. marraskuuta 2012

Bangkok to Siem Reap

Today i was asked a question from a worried tourist how he would avoid all the scams travelling from Bangkok to Siem Reap. This route is known for it's scams, like buses dropping you off at weird hotels, taking extra long routes and for some people even part of their luggage got solen. Myself I would still stay it's quite easy to manage this trip without any bigger hassle.

I've done the trip Siem Reap to Bangkok once, many years ago. I took a taxi (alone) from Siem Reap to the border in Poipet. It cost me about 25$ but i guess the price would be closer to 40$ these days, then again I don't know. Atleast if you're several people the cost should not be unbearable.

Just stick with other travellers and try to take everything people tell you with a pinch of salt. There's always some problems ahead if you ask the touts. They will tell you that this hotel is closed, this road can't be driven on, the government buses don't run today etc. Mini-van to the Thai-border if you come from Siem reap and a train or government bus the rest of the way. The opposite if you're coming from the Thai side, always be careful with VIP buses and similar offered by some big travel agencys. I don't want to judge the ones that are innocent because there are probably alot of good ones out there too, but theft has been a big problem and even violence at times. That's all advise i can give. It can save you alot of hassle if you break these trips into several parts even if you'd believe the opposite!

Safe Travels!
Timo Travel

maanantai 5. marraskuuta 2012

Tao kae Noi - Top Secret  ( Movie )

I recently watched this movie and I feel it's well worth watching to know more about Thailand and the people in the country. The movie is about the very well known Aitthipat Kulapongvanich (Top) who made billions of Thai baht in his early twenties with his seaweed business.

Altough i feel this movie is a little dramatized and all of the hardships he had in the movie was not really that hard in real from the facts that i've read on the internet. But however it's an inspiring story and if you are interested in watching a Thai version of a movie where a teenager becomes a billionaire, then 'Tao kae noi' is definitely worth watching.

By the way this movie is probably streamable from youtube with English subs!

More info about the movie here:

About Top himself:

tiistai 3. heinäkuuta 2012

I'm back to Bangkok and i will start writing this blog again and keeping updated with all the bizarre and funny things happening in this lively city. I will also give some advice for travellers and places which should not be avoided on a more extended trip to Bangkok.

Using the buses in Bangkok can be very confusing and the help available makes it even more confusing. Finally i have found a tool that I've anticipated for a long time. The Bangkok trip planner. Just fill in where you are going from and where you want to go and the website helps you with finding the right bus numbers or telling you if there's any other public transport (BTS,MRT) to use for your trip. It seems like there's still a bit limited amount of places included in the search but it's atleast something.

The taxis are maybe not very expensive in Bangkok, but if you are on a budget and otherwise have started thinking in Thai Baht, the tool can be to great help for everyone. Apart from the money saved bus is something i prefer myself most of the time, you just see some many different things regarding Thai society everyday and for me public transport is a valuable thing for watching a part of a day of a ordinary Thai person.

So here's the link:

Timo Travel